DiscordSrv and EssentialsX chat integration
hapugov opened this issue ยท 1 comments
The EssentialsX plugin has proven itself well, and its chat add-on is also not bad in general
What and How?
Now the situation is this, in the chat from essentialsX you can specify the use of local and global chat using '!'. In DiscordSRV you can specify with which prefix messages will be sent to discord. I pointed '!' and messages completely stopped being sent from the game to the chat.
Are there alternatives?
The alternative is not to use global and local chat, which is critical. Or look for some other chat plugin that will have a lot of unnecessary functionality (like CMI, which is more problems than benefits, although CMI normally only sends global DiscordSRV messages)
- I have used the search at least once to check if my idea has already been suggested and perhaps already implemented.
Anything else
I came here on the advice of Dinty from ticket #19113
Thanks for understanding.