Bot Basically Spams the Audit Logs When the Change Topic Feature is Used.
Bj007pro opened this issue ยท 1 comments
So on my Discord one of my Admins said "Hey this bot will be able to relay the chat messages in Minecraft and visa-verse." and I was like "Sounds cool!". He also mentioned about how he can set up the bot to have information about the Minecraft server update every ten seconds in the Channel Topic. At the time I didn't realize about the Audit Logs because it's still a new feature in Discord but when I went there to take a look at them all I could see is:
My idea was to fix this or to have an option in the bot is to have a specific message that it edits & updates instead because the Audit Logs don't track people's edited message history and it'll be pinned so Discord will never delete due to age.
This'll help out my Discord server.