Private channels are broadcasted to Discord
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Can you please either implement a single ingame channel for discord broadcasts or create a blacklist of channels that cannot be broadcasted...
Faction/Allies channels, Town / Nation channels etc shouldn't be broadcasted to the whole server...
Nothing I can do about this other than individually check each and every plugin that I would have to define individually for whether or not the message can be shown. More the plugin's fault for not cancelling the message as far as I'm concerned.
@Scarsz You have no chat channel support actually? Through vault perhaps?
Channels are handled through plugins like vault and register I believe. If you call raw chat messages it will just get everything and it's by design...
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm not :P
Maybe look at the source from bukkitspeak for inspiration? I'll do the same and see if I can help.
@Scarsz Thanks man, Appreciated. We can finally kill off TS3 :D
Which channel @Scarsz ?