[Proposal] Jenkins `DiscordSRV.jar` artifact
RoyCurtis opened this issue ยท 4 comments
May I please ask that the scarsz.me Jenkins generates an artifact simply named DiscordSRV.jar
, along-side the versioned one?
For our server, I use a shell script to update our plugins from various sources. Some of these sources are Jenkins repositories, like DiscordSRV's.
For Jenkins, we rely on the job/foobar/lastSuccessfulBuild/
endpoint to always get the latest build. Examples of other Jenkins' that allow this:
- https://ci.destroystokyo.com/job/PaperSpigot/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/paperclip.jar
- http://h.cnaude.org:8081/job/VanishNoPacket/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/VanishNoPacket.jar
- http://h.cnaude.org:8081/jenkins/job/PurpleIRC-Spigot/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/PurpleIRC.jar
However, DiscordSRV's Jenkins only has one artifact, and it has the build number on it. This means that the script breaks when a new version of DiscordSRV is built.
- This script is not run abusively (e.g. we don't run it every 5 minutes). On our 1.12 BETA and our live server, it's run manually at least once a week (or up to a few times a day, if we're testing).
- I could instead use a build's perma-link, but I would prefer to be on the bleeding-edge at all times and avoid updating the update script manually
https://scarsz.me/discordsrv.jar has been a thing for a while
Was not aware of that URL (cannot find mention of it on the Spigot page or wiki). Works for me, thank you very much!
I leave the decision about this to @Scarsz
Here are some examples how I'm handling it:
# AntiXRay
wget https://jenkins.androkai.net/job/AntiXRay/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/libs/AntiXRay-*.jar/*zip*/libs.zip -O AntiXRay.zip
unzip AntiXRay.zip
rm AntiXRay.zip
mv AntiXRay-*.jar AntiXRay.jar
# BossShop
wget https://jenkins.androkai.net/job/BossShop/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/BossShop.jar
# ChairsReloaded
wget http://build.true-games.org/job/ChairsReloaded/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/Chairs.jar
# DiscordSRV
wget https://ci.scarsz.me/job/DiscordSRV/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/*.jar/*zip*/target.zip -O DiscordSRV.zip
unzip DiscordSRV.zip
rm DiscordSRV.zip
mv DiscordSRV*.jar DiscordSRV.jar
# Dynmap
wget http://dynmap.us/builds/dynmap/dynmap-HEAD.jar -O dynmap.jar
# EssentialsX
wget http://ci.drtshock.net/job/essentialsx/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/Essentials/target/EssentialsX-*.jar/*zip*/target.zip -O EssentialsX-Core.zip
unzip EssentialsX-Core.zip
rm EssentialsX-Core.zip
mv EssentialsX-*.jar EssentialsX.jar
wget http://ci.drtshock.net/job/essentialsx/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/EssentialsChat/target/EssentialsXChat-*.jar/*zip*/target.zip -O EssentialsX-Chat.zip
unzip EssentialsX-Chat.zip
rm EssentialsX-Chat.zip
mv EssenitialsXChat-*.jar EssentialsXChat.jar
wget http://ci.drtshock.net/job/essentialsx/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/EssentialsGeoIP/target/EssentialsXGeoIP-*.jar/*zip*/target.zip -O EssentialsX-GeoIP.zip
unzip EssentialsX-GeoIP.zip
rm EssentialsX-GeoIP.zip
mv EssentialsXGeoIP-*.jar EssentialsXGeoIP.jar
wget http://ci.drtshock.net/job/essentialsx/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/EssentialsSpawn/target/EssentialsXSpawn-*.jar/*zip*/target.zip -O EssentialsX-Spawn.zip
unzip EssentialsX-Spawn.zip
rm EssentialsX-Spawn.zip
mv EssentialsXSpawn-*.jar EssentialsXSpawn.jar
# ProtocolLib
wget http://ci.dmulloy2.net/job/ProtocolLib/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/modules/ProtocolLib/target/ProtocolLib.jar
# TerrainControl
wget http://build.mctcp.com/view/All/job/TerrainControl%20-%20Master%20-%20Gradle/lastStableBuild/default/artifact/platforms/bukkit/build/distributions/terraincontrol-bukkit-*-SNAPSHOT.jar/*zip*/distributions.zip -O TerrainControl.zip
unzip TerrainControl.zip
rm TerrainControl.zip
mv terraincontrol-bukkit-*-SNAPSHOT.jar TerrainControl.jar
Interesting, I did not know you could wildcard URLs in Jenkins that way. Thanks!
Sadly, it looks like this only works when zipping artifacts, rather than trying to directly get the jar. So I'll keep this proposal open, as would prefer not to introduce extra code/steps in the script (and it'll probably be easier on the Jenkins to not have artifacts zipped on each request)