Channel placeholder for discord to minecraft
SaitDev opened this issue · 4 comments
Please parse ingame channel's placeholder on setting DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat
if avaible instead of only ChatChannelHookMessageFormat
Reason: %channelcolor%
on ChatChannelHookMessageFormat
will be useless if we have some color on DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat
sorry for not clearly enough.
discordsrv have placeholer to help message has same color as ingame chat: ChatChannelHookMessageFormat: "%channelcolor%%message%"
but if we r also using %toprolecolor% : DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat: %toprolecolor%%username% » %message%
the final message discordsrv parsing will be: %channelcolor%%toprolecolor%%username% » %message%
which mean %channelcolor%
cant effect %message% but %toprolecolor%
Not possible due to the way code flows in the current version of DiscordSRV, potentially a fix for this with v2
Duplicate of #254