Add roles to players with ban/mute synchronization
Universalz opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Hey there Scarsz,
I was wondering if you could add the availability to when a player gets banned on the Minecraft server, instead of just the option to ban them on the discord, could you add the option to give them a specified role. For example, my discord has a "Banned In-Game" role, so I have to remove their Discord role and manually give them that, and remove the roles they currently have and give them the Banned role. Could this be possible with people who get muted also? Because I have a "Muted In-Game" also. All of my appeals are through discord so this feature would be very nice.
In an easier understanding, all I would like is when a player gets banned/muted, it removed their current roles on discord and gives them the set role for banned or muted.
Thank you very much,
I see this is a few years old, so I hope that this bump will revive this suggestion, as I went to post this feature request today, but saw it was already here. We would love to hear if this is even considered.
Here are my suggestions to add to this suggestion:
You don't need to take away all roles in discord to "banrole" them. So maybe this would be easier to implement..
Config example:
BanSynchronizationMinecraftToDiscordRole: "InsertDiscordRoleIDHere"
Maybe A long with this you could include a few other configs:
BanSynchronizationUsingDiscordRole: (True/False)
This config will ban them in-game if they are assigned the role in the discord(roleid is pulled from the first config)(one-way would override this)
BanSynchronizationDiscordRoleMessage: "You have been banned, please contact the staff on discord."
Configurable ban message for those assigned the role.
you can add a role synchronization, so when someone gets banned add them to the Banned
Pex group, and then add the permission to that group to sync it
@GreemdotCS I thought of suggesting this as well but it wouldn't work. The player would be gone from the server before group -> role
synchronization occurred, never giving the Discord user the roll.
You could add LiteBan/MaxBan/Essentials/Etc. support so that DiscordSRV can check whether or not the player is banned.
Would be great for a mute - just had a user use the Discord > MC chat to avoid the mute. :(
Had to ban them then remove their discord roles and add a role to them. Would be amazing if you could make it automatic.