The first channel receives chat from all channels
gerardvanschip opened this issue · 10 comments
Starting to think this is a bug so posting here instead of the community thread on spigot.
I have 4 channels on discord and in game. They talk back and forth as they should but the first channel in the config, the one that also receives the server restarts, player join and leave, also receives the chat of all other channels.
This is an issue as the staff channel output should be private.
Can't reproduce by myself. If you have some suggestions on how to reproduce, let me know. Otherwise can't help with this.
1 - create 3 channels on discord, global, play and staff
2 - create 3 channels on your server with the same names
3 - enter the ids of the discord channels in the discordsrv config with the global channel first
4 - talk in each channel on the server. The chat will go to the right channel on discord plus to global.
So point 4 is where things go wrong. I don't want staff chat to go to global for all to see.
Right, but what specific plugins are you using? What chat plugin? Are you using a staff plugin?
Chat plugin is Chatcontrol Pro (
In Chatcontrol Pro I created 4 channels, english, nederlands, japanese and admin. I also set:
Control_Incoming_Messages: true
(If true, messages from Discord will be only sent into a ChatControl channel with exactly the same name, in the format below.)
In DiscordSRV I set:
Channels: {"english": "channelID1", "nederlands": "channelID2", "japanese": "channelID3", "admin": "channelID4"}
DiscordConsoleChannelId: "channelIDforconsole"
Game commands like restart server and players joining to the english discord channel
english in game channel goes to the english discord channel
nederlands in game channel goes to the nederlands and english discord channels
japanese in game channel goes to the japanese and english discord channels
admin in game channel goes to the admin and english discord channels
Since this is with CCP, it’s out of the scope of DiscordSRV. This is probably a bug specifically with CCP. @kangarko
Actually this is a DiscordSRV issue - it sounds like the first channel in the DiscordSRV config is automatically the global channel and therefore sends everything to everyone. @gerardvanschip Could possibly resolve this by configuring it so that there is an admin discord channel listed as the first channel in the DiscordSRV config vs the English channel.
In DiscordSRV I set:
Channels: {"english": "channelID1", "nederlands": "channelID2", "japanese": "channelID3", "admin": "channelID4"}
I would recommend changing to
Channels: {"admin": "channelID4" ,"english": "channelID1", "nederlands": "channelID2", "japanese": "channelID3" }
To see if that would provide you a solution. However - it would be nice to configure join/leave/death in the DiscordSRV for other Discord channels.
CCP handles integration with DiscordSRV entirely by itself. DiscordSRV can't control how CCP handles chat.
ChatControl Pro only forwards the message from one channel to one channel, I believe this is related to DiscordSRV.
This issue has gone stale and DiscordSRV has had updates since last comments, if anyone is able to reproduce this with new DiscordSRV versions, this will be reopened.
@gerardvanschip is this still happening in newer versions of ChatControlPro? Has this been solved since then?