


Skript integration

Scarsz opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I know very little about Skript so if any other developer wants to help out for this one I'd appreciate it


Collected some documentation about:

        <version>2.2-SNAPSHOT</version><!-- 2.2 is from 2014, maybe switching to maintained version by adding to own repo -->

"Skipt integration" means adding functions for easy use within Skript so the question is what functions are needed? Skript is also totally new for me but here are some idea I get from reading through the documentation:

  • Add Discord to Command Sender
  • Add On DiscordChat to Events
  • Add On DiscordJoin to Events
  • Add On DiscordQuit to Events
  • Add On DiscordMention to Events + DiscordMentionType to Expressions/Types
  • Add DiscordSender to Expressions
  • Add Is in DiscordGroup to Conditions
  • Add Has DiscordPermission to Conditions
  • Add Edit/Remove <Discord-message> to Effects

Impossible to do because DiscordSRV doesn't utilize Bukkit's events system which for some reason is a requirement.


Can this be revisited? DiscordSRV is using Bukkit's event system and has new hooks into functions/commands that don't work with Skript currently.


DiscordSRV is using Bukkit's event system

This is not the case, DiscordSRV is still using a custom event system


Is there any way to do Skript integration with it based on events in their alerts.yml file? I've tried using a number of Skript events and it doesn't work. When I try to use the normal player command event from bukkit, it excludes Skript commands/results.