Create Our Own Commands
PeachieDude opened this issue · 8 comments
Id like to ask if it would be possible to add a feature to let us create our own commands.
I saw another discord bot plugin that has this option and i found it really amazing
I found quite helpful for those who want to implement their own commands so they could do it w/o needing to have another bot or so..
Some info about how the other one works when it comes to it
Before reading the thing, not asking to do the same, but being able to have commands from discord that triggers commands from game would be a good thing.
Like you could have a bot that holds stats/levels/etc and a command that would get the level and after x levels it would send a command to the game giving a prize to the player... etc.. the possibilities are huge..
Currently available actions and conditions
You can refer to an argument in the command by putting the argument number in squiggly brackets. Putting a + after this number refers to all arguments after and including that argument (with spaces between them).Some actions support placeholders from PlaceholderAPI, these have been marked accordingly. You can find a full list of available placeholders here:
The plugin provides some placeholders for actions and conditions. These can be seen below:
{SENDER_NICK} Gets the nickname the user is using in your guild.
{SENDER} Gets the username of the sender's Discord account.
{FIRST_PLAYER} Grabs the username of the first available player on the server ('none' if the server is empty)Arguments for the action/condition are separated with a |.
[botMessage] {message} Sends a message from the bot (in Discord) in the channel the message was sent in.
[messagePlayer] {player}|{message} Sends a message to a player in Minecraft. Supports placeholders.
[executeConsoleCommand] {command} Executes a specific command from the console. If you are using BungeeCord, this executes the command in the BungeeCord console.
[executePlayerCommand] {player}|{command} Executes a specified command from the specified player. Supports placeholders. If you are using BungeeCord, this executes the command from the Spigot server the player is located on.
[executePlaceholderConsoleCommand] {placeholder context}|{command} Executes a specified command from the console. Supports placeholders, but an online player must be given as the first argument. If you are using BungeeCord, this performs the command on the server of the player given in placeholder context.Conditions:
[minArgs] {amount} Sets the minimum amount of arguments for the command.
[maxArgs] {amount} Sets the maximum amount of arguments for the command.
[argsIsInt] {arg num} Checks whether the specified argument is an integer (whole number). You don't need to put the argument in squiggly brackets.
[argsIsNumber] {arg num} Checks whether the specified argument is a number. You don't need to put the argument in squiggly brackets.
[isNameOfOnlinePlayer] {arg num} Checks if an argument is the name of an online player. You don't need to put the argument in squiggly brackets.
There is a mod that allows you do do this but not made as a plugin
Thanks for the reference.. i didnt know about.. and well, 2016 a really old one I didnt look too far back .. i think its a wall punching thing then :/
Is this possible using the DiscordSRV developer API?
Edit: And is it possible to include team prefixes/suffixes in the !list