


Suggestion - convert nicknames

gobo7793 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


How about a nickname converting between ingame chat and discord chat for linked accounts? On my discord server almost all users want different nicknames in Minecraft and Discord.

But it would be great, if DiscordSRV could convert the Discord nicknames to the ingame nicknames for messages Discord->Minecraft and vice versa for linked accounts. So in Discord would appear

<CurrentDiscordNickOnThisServer> Message

and in Minecraft ingame chat

<CurrentMinecraftNick> Message

Our formerly Discord Plugin had this feature and it would be clearer which user wrotes the message if the nicks are to different. This is the only feature I miss (or didn't I find this in the config?)


Or just display unconverted original?


this would be such a nice addition. if the user is not linked a fallback to the discord name would be good or a message displaying that the user must be linked to use the bridge.


There is https://github.com/DiscordSRV/DiscordSRV/blob/master/src/main/resources/config/en.yml#L201 currently, but I don't think this is what you're looking for.

So, do you want to display Discord user's nicknames with messages going from Discord -> Minecraft (and Minecraft nicknames with Minecraft -> Discord messages)?


What I want is to display the Minecraft Username in messages going Discord->Minecraft instead of the Discord Username and on messages going Minecraft->Discord their Discord Username instead of the Minecraft username.


Doable, every user would need to be linked in order for this to work