Force users to link Discord
DARG367 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Is it possible to have an option that can be turned on and off that disables users who have not linked their account to Discord the ability to type in Minecraft chat? Maybe even make the chat fully invisible where they can't see other peoples messages unless they are linked to Discord, and any time they try to chat an error message like "Please use "/discord link" to attach your Minecraft account with our Discord before you can type in chat."
I know this is not for everyone, and I fully understand that. But managing the forum, Discord and Minecraft and then trying to ban them in all three places is really repetitive. If you could use the BanSynchronizationDiscordToMinecraft: true
and BanSynchronizationMinecraftToDiscord: true
then have them apply for a ban appeal on the forums. I think it would help minimize and help server administrators.
You want this config option: DiscordChatChannelRequireLinkedAccount: true
It already exists.. though the unlinked users will still be able to see the chat they cant chat there when the server is on until they've linked their account.
controls whether people can send messages to the Discord channel and have the messages sent to MC, not the other way around. It's planned to have better link enforcement options in v2.
@Scarsz Will the v2 have something like I mentioned above. If so thank you very much even if you are taking the idea or already planned it. Either way thanks for the plugin!
https://github.com/DiscordSRV/RequireLinked4Gameplay/releases/download/v1.0.0/RequireLinked4Gameplay.jar This is the current solution, chat is shown but when not verified the player can't move, chat, or run commands (depending on config).
https://github.com/DiscordSRV/RequireLinked4Gameplay/releases/download/v1.0.0/RequireLinked4Gameplay.jar This is the current solution, chat is shown but when not verified the player can't move, chat, or run commands (depending on config).
Doesn;'t work?