Chatty support
Opened this issue · 13 comments
Hi. I use Chatty for chat formatting. In this plugin i can configure different channels, for example, global-channel, trade-channel, donate-channel, including Local channel. But DiscordSRV redirects messages to Discord from every channels, including Local.
I want DiscordSRV to forward messages only from the global chat, but it seems impossible, because it seems that DiscordSRV does not support Chatty.
I tried to configure DiscordSRV in various ways, but nothing happened.
DiscordSRV version: 1.16.7
Chatty version: 2.15.1
Server core: PaperSpigot 1.13.2
P.S. Sorry for my bad English. :)
Chatty 2.x is supported. Any [confirmed] problems with the integration should be reported in another issue
I've added this in via the API available in a future release of Chatty and in DiscordSRV 1.20.0+
The feature is in - but a couple users are reporting that Discord->Minecraft messages don't seem to be delivered to players for some reason. I'm waiting for extra details from them for now
In fact, everything works great, it's just that the young admins themselves do not want to look at the documentation (like me), namely: "* range * - chat range. -1 to world-wide chat, -2 to server-wide, -3 to BungeeCord -wide chat. "
As a result, they have -1 in the Global chat settings and messages from the discord to the global chat are not sent. I solved this problem with the help of: "range: -2"
Where can I find that configuration? I looked all .yml files but I did not see where the chat range is.
Is there a solution for this now? I have the same problem.
I checked the console and it shows this:
17.06 07:00:31 [Server] JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO [Discord | 無薪工頭] cwae:thinking: » Test 17.06 07:00:31 [Server] JDA MainWS-ReadThread/INFO Chat: [Discord | 無薪工頭] cwae:thinking: > Test
But I can't see the message in game for some reason.