Feature: Join/leave and server status message go to multiple channels rather than just the Main one
Kenix3 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Join/leave and default channel messages should be broadcast between multiple discord channels. Perhaps by allowing a configuration array as such:
Channels: {"channel1": {"main": true, "channelID": "channelID1"}, "channel2": {"main": true, "channelID": "channelID2"}}
If channel key configuration is an array, then we look for Main. If it exists then use it else default to true if this is the first channel and false otherwise.
If channel key is NOT an array, then follow current behaviour: first channel is flagged as main = true and the rest as main = false.
Channels: {"channel1": "channelID1", "channel2": "channelID2"}
would also be supported syntax
Duplicate of #111
This is the same request as #111, and that is still open, and will be added in to a future update, most likely DiscordSRV2 (no eta when this will be added)