Minecraft Chat => Discord Chat doesn't work
dsnsgithub opened this issue ยท 2 comments
When I set up DiscordSRV, I directed it to a text channel in my Discord server. When I type something in my discord channel, it shows up in Minecraft. Advancements and deaths show up in Discord as well. As usual, right? But when I type in Minecraft, it doesn't seem to show in Discord. I zipped the DiscordSRV folder as well.
...you just leaked your bot token. Go to the Discord developers page for your application and reset it. People can use that to completely control your server if you don't take care of it.
This issue tracker is for issues, not support. https://scarsz.me/discord #support
https://pastebin.com/RVpGMT4c has the exact place when DiscordSRV starts up.