line ending consistency
timriker opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Unpacking the jar shows yaml files in crlf format as shown here:
Jar obtained from:
$ md5sum DiscordSRV-Build-1.17.1.jar
c15a4974176ff5ed028516f800f3f523 DiscordSRV-Build-1.17.1.jar
This results in mixed line endings when the jar is used on a Unix-ish platform like Linux. In VIM I see:
1 # Don't touch pls^M
2 ConfigVersion: 1.17.1^M
18 # DebugLevel: 0 = no debug, 1 = debug, 2 = debug with stack traces^M
19 #^M
20 DebugLevel: 0
Where generated lines have cr endings, and existing lines (from en.yml?) have crlf endings.
It looks like files in github are marked as text, so they would get native lineendings applied when checked out. Is the jenkins build running on a windows box?