Chat not sending messages
JustGamma opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Hello, i am on 1.14.4 (DiscordSRV 1.17.1) and i have properly set everything up. Everything else (Console, Players online, showing when player joins/leaves) works except the chat. Whenever i send a message on discord or minecraft nothing shows up.
Here is my config:
Don't touch pls
ConfigVersion: 1.17.1
Bot token; don't know what this is? Look at the video on the plugin page for instructions
BotToken: "REDACTED"
Channel links from game to Discord
syntax is Channels: {"in-game channel name": "numerical channel ID from Discord", "another in-game channel name": "another numerical channel ID from Discord"}
The first channel pair specified in this config option will be the "main" channel, used for sending player joins/quits/deaths/achievements/etc
Channels: {"global": "605051861183234058"}
Console channel numerical ID (NOT NAME), leave blank to disable the console channel all together
DiscordConsoleChannelId: "605053985958920202"
Debug options, don't touch unless needed
DebugLevel: 0 = no debug, 1 = debug, 2 = debug with stack traces
DebugLevel: 0
DebugJDA: false
CancelConsoleCommandIfLoggingFailed: true
RespectChatPlugins: true
ForcedLanguage: none
Experiment_JdbcAccountLinkBackend: "jdbc:mysql://HOST:PORT/DATABASE?useSSL=false"
Experiment_JdbcTablePrefix: "discordsrv"
Experiment_JdbcUsername: "username"
Experiment_JdbcPassword: "password"
Experiment_WebhookChatMessageDelivery: false
Experiment_MCDiscordReserializer: false
WebhookAvatarsAre3d: false
PrintGuildsAndChannels: true
ForceTLSv12: true
SponsorPebbleHost: true
Disabled plugin hooks
Generally, unless you have a reason to touch this, don't
DisabledPluginHooks: []
Game information, this sets the "Playing ______" indicator for the bot, set to "" to disable
DiscordGameStatus: "Starbase"
Chat channel information
The chat channel is the text channel that all messages in-game will be sent to and all messages sent
to this channel on Discord will be sent in-game
DiscordChatChannelDiscordToMinecraft: whether or not to send messages in the chat channel to the server chat
DiscordChatChannelMinecraftToDiscord: whether or not to send messages in the server chat to the chat channel
DiscordChatChannelTruncateLength: the maximum length of messages from Discord to be sent to Minecraft
DiscordChatChannelTranslateMentions: whether or not to translate mentions like @person for Minecraft to Discord messages
DiscordChatChannelPrefix: the character(s) required to prefix a message for it to be sent from Minecraft to Discord (example "!")
DiscordChatChannelRolesAllowedToUseColorCodesInChat: list of roles allowed to use color/format codes in Discord to Minecraft chat
DiscordChatChannelBroadcastDiscordMessagesToConsole: whether or not to print processed discord messages to the console
DiscordChatChannelRequireLinkedAccount: whether or not to require players have their Discord account linked to their Minecraft to have their Discord messages sent to Minecraft
DiscordChatChannelBlockBots: whether or not bots should be blocked from Discord -> MC chat
DiscordChatChannelBlockedIds: ids of discord users (or bots) that should not have their messages processed & sent to MC
DiscordChatChannelColorTranslations: hex representations of Discord roles to be matched with for showing role colors in-game with their in-game equivalent
DiscordChatChannelRolesSelectionAsWhitelist: if the following list should be treated as a whitelist (true) or a blacklist (false)
DiscordChatChannelRolesSelection: list of roles that are should be filtered from all of a user's roles
DiscordChatChannelDiscordToMinecraft: true
DiscordChatChannelMinecraftToDiscord: true
DiscordChatChannelTruncateLength: 256
DiscordChatChannelTranslateMentions: true
DiscordChatChannelPrefix: ""
DiscordChatChannelRolesAllowedToUseColorCodesInChat: ["Developer", "Owner", "Admin", "Moderator"]
DiscordChatChannelBroadcastDiscordMessagesToConsole: true
DiscordChatChannelRequireLinkedAccount: false
DiscordChatChannelBlockBots: false
DiscordChatChannelBlockedIds: ["000000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "000000000000000000"]
DiscordChatChannelColorTranslations: {
"99AAB5": "&f",
"1ABC9C": "&a",
"2ECC71": "&a",
"3498DB": "&3",
"9B59B6": "&5",
"E91E63": "&d",
"F1C40F": "&e",
"E67E22": "&6",
"E74C3C": "&c",
"95A5A6": "&7",
"607D8B": "&8",
"11806A": "&2",
"1F8B4C": "&2",
"206694": "&1",
"71368A": "&5",
"AD1457": "&d",
"C27C0E": "&6",
"A84300": "&6",
"992D22": "&4",
"979C9F": "&7",
"546E7A": "&8"
DiscordChatChannelRolesSelectionAsWhitelist: false
DiscordChatChannelRolesSelection: ["Don't show me!", "Misc role"]
Console channel information
The console channel is the text channel that receives messages which are then run as server commands
by the console as well as having the server's console being streamed to line by line
You can customize the message including removing timestamps in messages.yml
DiscordConsoleChannelLogRefreshRateInSeconds: rate in seconds between sending lines from the console
DiscordConsoleChannelUsageLog: the file that logs all commands being executed by users in the console channel
DiscordConsoleChannelBlacklistActsAsWhitelist: whether or not the blacklisted commands list acts as a whitelist instead of blacklist
DiscordConsoleChannelBlacklistedCommands: phrases wrapped in quotation marks that users should not be able to send as commands to the console
DiscordConsoleChannelDoNotSendPhrasesActsAsWhitelist: whether or not the do not send phrases list acts as a whitelist instead of blacklist
DiscordConsoleChannelDoNotSendPhrases: phrases wrapped in quotation marks that should not be sent to the console channel
DiscordConsoleChannelRegexFilter: the regex filter to be applied to console lines being sent to Discord
DiscordConsoleChannelRegexReplacement: what the regex filter will replace with where matches are found
DiscordConsoleChannelLevels: levels to send to console channel via appender
DiscordConsoleChannelLogRefreshRateInSeconds: 5
DiscordConsoleChannelUsageLog: "DiscordConsole.log"
DiscordConsoleChannelBlacklistActsAsWhitelist: false
DiscordConsoleChannelBlacklistedCommands: ["?", "op", "deop"]
DiscordConsoleChannelDoNotSendPhrasesActsAsWhitelist: false
DiscordConsoleChannelDoNotSendPhrases: ["async chat thread"]
DiscordConsoleChannelRegexFilter: ""
DiscordConsoleChannelRegexReplacement: ""
DiscordConsoleChannelLevels: [info, warn, error]
Chat channel command execute command
These options control the ability to say "!c kick Notch", or whatever the prefix is to run a command,
as the console, from a registered chat channel.
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandEnabled: whether or not to allow console commands from a chat channel.
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandNotifyErrors: whether or not to send a user who tries to run a command without permission that they don't have permission
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandPrefix: prefix to use for console commands. e.g. "!c tps"
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandRolesAllowed: the user roles that are allowed to execute server commands from the chat channel
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelist: list of commands that are able to be ran with DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandPrefix
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelistBypassRoles: list of roles that bypass the whitelist
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelistActsAsBlacklist: should the command whitelist act as a blacklist instead
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandExpiration: time in seconds until a sent command output is automatically removed by the bot. set to 0 to disable expiration.
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandExpirationDeleteRequest: whether or not to delete the message of the person that originally issued the command
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandEnabled: true
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandNotifyErrors: true
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandPrefix: "!c"
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandRolesAllowed: ["Moderator", "Owner"]
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelist: ["say", "lag", "tps"]
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelistBypassRoles: ["Owner", "Developer"]
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelistActsAsBlacklist: false
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandExpiration: 0
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandExpirationDeleteRequest: true
Chat channel player list command
All the config stuff for the player list command
DiscordChatChannelListCommandEnabled: whether the command is enabled
DiscordChatChannelListCommandMessage: the command people can type to get the player list
DiscordChatChannelListCommandExpiration: time in seconds until a sent player list message is automatically removed by the bot. set to 0 to disable expiration.
DiscordChatChannelListCommandExpirationDeleteRequest: whether or not to delete the message of the person that originally requested for the player list
DiscordChatChannelListCommandEnabled: true
DiscordChatChannelListCommandMessage: "playerlist"
DiscordChatChannelListCommandExpiration: 10
DiscordChatChannelListCommandExpirationDeleteRequest: true
Chat channel blacklisted phrases & regex
DiscordChatChannelBlockedPhrases: phrases which if a message is sent in the chat channel containing a phrase here, the message won't be processed
DiscordChatChannelCutPhrases: phrases which if said in the Minecraft chat will be removed from the message before sending it to the chat channel
DiscordChatChannelRegex: regex to filter the chat going to Minecraft by
DiscordChatChannelRegexReplacement: replacement for above option
DiscordChatChannelBlockedPhrases: ["Online players (", "No online players"]
DiscordChatChannelCutPhrases: ["@everyone","@here"]
DiscordChatChannelRegex: ""
DiscordChatChannelRegexReplacement: ""
Channel topic updater settings
ChannelTopicUpdaterChannelTopicsAtShutdownEnabled: whether or not the channel topics should be changed at server shutdown at all
ChannelTopicUpdaterRateInMinutes: amount of minutes between automatically updating the channel topics with fresh information
ChannelTopicUpdaterChannelTopicsAtShutdownEnabled: true
ChannelTopicUpdaterRateInMinutes: 5
Discord canned responses
These are triggers (commands in a way) that will trigger a "canned response" to be sent as a reply to them
You should probably change these from their defaults or add your own
If you do not want any canned responses, set this to just {}
PlaceholderAPI placeholders are supported for the values
DiscordCannedResponses: {"!ip": "", "!site": ""}
Minecraft to Discord account linking
These are the config options pertaining to how linking a Minecraft account to a Discord account functions
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedConsoleCommands: commands to run when an account is linked, see below for possible placeholders
MinecraftDiscordAccountUnlinkedConsoleCommands: commands to run when an account is unlinked, see below for possible placeholders
%minecraftplayername%: player's Minecraft username
example: Notch
%minecraftuuid%: player's uuid
example: you know what a uuid looks like
%discordid%: linked discord account's id
example: 12345678901234567890
%discordname%: linked discord account's username
example: Notch
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedRoleToAddUserTo: the name of a discord role to add a discord user to when they link their account
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedSetDiscordNicknameAsInGameName: whether or not to set the discord user's nickname to their in-game account name
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedAllowRelinkBySendingANewCode: allows sending a new code to the bot to unlink and relink with the new code
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedConsoleCommands: ["", "", ""]
MinecraftDiscordAccountUnlinkedConsoleCommands: ["", "", ""]
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedRoleNameToAddUserTo: "Linked"
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedSetDiscordNicknameAsInGameName: false
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedAllowRelinkBySendingANewCode: false
Minecraft group -> Discord role synchronization
GroupRoleSynchronizationRoleIdsToSync: these are Discord role IDs that you want to be synchronized from Minecraft to Discord
if a role ID is not here, the permission for it (discordsrv.sync.[role id]) is effectively useless
to get your Discord guild's role IDs, run "/discord debug" and look at the first section
GroupRoleSynchronizationCycleTime: amount of minutes between repeatedly triggering synchronization for all online players
GroupRoleSynchronizationRemoveRolesOnUnlink: whether or not to remove synced roles from a Discord user when unlinking accounts
GroupRoleSynchronizationRoleIdsToSync: ["000000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "000000000000000000"]
GroupRoleSynchronizationCycleTime: 5
GroupRoleSynchronizationRemoveRolesOnUnlink: true
Server watchdog
The watchdog constantly monitors the last time your server performed a game tick
If the time since the last tick goes above the set interval in seconds, Discord messages can be triggered
ServerWatchdogEnabled: whether or not the watchdog is enabled at all
ServerWatchdogTimeout: time in seconds that need to elapse before the watchdog takes action (Spigot's crash detection uses 60 for this)
the minimum for this value is 10
ServerWatchdogMessageCount: the amount of times ServerWatchdogMessage is sent. useful if you really want to make sure you know something's up
ServerWatchdogEnabled: true
ServerWatchdogTimeout: 30
ServerWatchdogMessageCount: 3
Ban synchronization
When a player gets banned on the server when they have a linked Discord account you can optionally ban them on the Discord server and vice versa
BanSynchronizationDiscordToMinecraft: whether or not to ban people on the Minecraft server if they get banned from the Discord server
BanSynchronizationDiscordToMinecraftReason: the message to be used as the ban reason for banning players from the Minecraft server
BanSynchronizationMinecraftToDiscord: whether or not to ban people on the Discord server if they get banned from the Minecraft server
BanSynchronizationDiscordToMinecraft: false
BanSynchronizationDiscordToMinecraftReason: "&cYou have been banned until further notice from the server because you were banned on our Discord server."
BanSynchronizationMinecraftToDiscord: false
My plugins: LuckPerms, WorldEdit, XRayDetector, BetterBeds, MineableSpawners, ClearLag, AutoMessage, Votifier, PvPToggle, WorldGuard, Holograms, StoryLoops, AdvancedHelp, VotingPlugin, UltimatePlugin, mcMMO, Vault, StackMob, Essentials, Towny, LWC, TownyChat, Shopkeepers, DiscordSRV, EssentialsChat, EssentialsGeoIP, TownyNameUpdater, BetterRTP, EssentialsSpawn, DeluxeChat
We use the issue tracker exclusively for bug reports and feature requests. However, this issue appears to be a support request. Please join our Discord at and go to the #support channel for help with installing or configuring DiscordSRV.