DiscordCannedResponses | & is replaced How to deal with it?
BearLeonLight opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I want to mark the group but & is replaced How to deal with it?
DiscordCannedResponses: {"!ip": "%server_tps%", "!buildserver": " <@&584145252286201876> <@&606515786550607894>"}
DC display<@584145252286201876> <@606515786550607894>
I think this is caused by DiscordSRV (somehow) translating color codes, even tho it shouldn't here... So there isn't a workaround right now.
fixed in a6288df#diff-8faa8203627875ee5a6670656303a8a1R27-R42
latest snapshot: https://snapshot.discordsrv.com/