PlaceholderAPI Support
SequaciousGAMES opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Simple request, adding PlaceholderAPI support for the likes of formatting etc.
Being able to set exactly what you want displayed in discord chat, at least prefix wise when using a multiple prefix system
Okay, I use PowerfulPerms to manage groups and PlaceholderAPI to show prefixes. Currently DiscordSRV only gets one of those prefixes to display in Discord which is [PR-IT]. Not even my primary group.
With PlaceholderAPI and formatting options in DiscordSRV, I could set it to be;
%powerfulperms_prefix_donator%%powerfulperms_prefix_misc%%powerfulperms_prefix_default% %player_displayname%
which would in turn show;
[$][PR-IT][Admin] Sequacious
as my name
Might work on this soon, we'll see