Plugin holds up shutdown
ice-fly opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Hello, it is my belief that the way your plugin is coded that sometimes the server fails to restart. I'm running git-Paper-321
and DiscordSRV v1.18.4
I notice I often have to interact with the console for the server to fully shutdown.
Plugins (22): AsyncWorldEdit, AutoRestart*, ChopTree2, ClaimslistClassifier, DiscordSRV, dynmap*, Dynmap-GriefPrevention*, Essentials, EssentialsAntiBuild, EssentialsChat, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, GriefPrevention, LuckPerms, MineableSpawners, OreAnnouncer, ProtocolLib, SnowDrift*, SnowierSnow, Vault, WorldEdit, WorldGuard
(world saves)
[19:56:20 INFO]: Flushing Chunk IO
[19:56:20 INFO]: Closing Thread Pool
[19:56:20 INFO]: Closing Server
The server then hangs until I interact with the console...
Only after interacting does it show:
[19:56:41 ERROR]: [DiscordSRV] Could not send message to channel TC:server(690273186977153191): The Requester has been shutdown! No new requests can be requested!
...Then it proceeds to restart.
Is it on a panel like Multicraft or Pterodactyl?
By "interact" do you mean like sending a command or?
This isn't a cpanel but rather a command line console window. (in this case powershell)
java -Xms21000M -Xmx21000M -jar paper.jar -nogui --nojline
By interact I mean if i type a command or just hit enter the console proceeds. It's like java isn't closing until it's prodded.