Compiling problems as dependency
AlessioDP opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Hello, I am trying to implement DiscordSRV into my plugin but I have some compile problems:
- I am using Gradle v6.5
- The module has been added with compileOnly
- Normal building only works if I manually add
repositories into mybuild.gradle
- Test cases don't work at all
The error is (this appear when I execute a test case):
Could not find net.dv8tion:JDA:4.1.1_155
I solved the problem by excluding these packages:
compileOnly (group: 'com.discordsrv', name: 'discordsrv', version: project.ext.discordsrv) {
exclude module: 'MCDiscordReserializer'
exclude module: 'JDA'
Now just the DiscordSRV repository is required :)
That isn't a proper solution considering you're going to need JDA for a lot of things, but whatever.