Reaction command
djnejk opened this issue ยท 6 comments
I would like the possibility of reaction commands to be added
DiscordReactionCommand: {"'!reaction": "response": "command"}
DiscordReactionCommand: {"'!test Player007 hello": "Telling %arg1% to% arg0%": "msg% arg0%% arg1%"}
Aka you want DiscordCannedResponses to have additional functionality
That's not even valid yaml btw, so it wouldn't work in the first place
In my opinion, it would be used by a lot of people, because it would be enough to write "! Setrank rank" on the discord and it would execute the command "/ pex user% arg0% group set% arg1%" example:! Setrank tonysek administrator "and execute this would be the command "/ pex user tonysek group set administrator" The example in the config would look like this: "DiscordReactionCommand: {" '! setrank ":" pex user% arg0% group set% arg1% "}"
How is this different from the available DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommand . . . options? e.g. !c pex user tonysek group set administrator
Your first example is also accomplished with this, !c msg Player007 hello
Expanding on DiscordCannedResponses is definitely a good idea, but what you want is kinda already doable with the features we have available.