


Feature Request: Pass AFK status from Essentials X

KenaiTheWolf opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Pass AFK status from Essentials X to the discord chat, such that discord users would see a webhook (if enabled) similar to bellow:

System Message:

%playername is now AFK

This would allow players to know when a user is automatically marked AFK by the server.


I have made my own addon to do that, and it works. All you need is to code it, if you cant, please wait till i release it.


Duplicate of #345


I have made my own addon to do that, and it works. All you need is to code it, if you cant, please wait till i release it.

I can program it, just don't have time at the moment. I've put code changes made by myself to my server on hiatus till December because... I don't have time to put out any fires I start by mistake so to speak.