


Custom allowed commands per-role

xXBuilderBXx opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Maybe you should implement a custom commands file (commands.json) so that specific roles can have access to run commands on discord such as !c kick

In the config section maybe have this
CommandsFullAccess: "ROLE ID, ROLE ID" -Anyone with this will have access to do any commands with !c
CommandsBlacklist: "op, ban" - Blacklist any commands if you need to
CommandsLinkedOnly: "true/false/yes/no" - Only linked accounts can use commands

In the commands.json have this

    "command":"ban", - The commands to use
    "role":"ROLE ID", - The role id in discord that can use this command
    "output":"true/false/yes/no" - Output the results of the command to discord otherwise set it to say command done or use a reaction emoji for ๐Ÿ‘Œ 
    "role":"ROLE ID",