DiscordSRV not reading PAPI correctly
QuillOmega0 opened this issue · 7 comments
Trying to set the Playing indicator:
DiscordGameStatus: "%playerlist_online,normal,yes,amount% players"
Per the example in the documentation but it reports 0 players playing at all time. I manually had papi parse it from the console and it reports the correct count of users. There are no errors in the console
Yep, game status is being updated properly otherwise and when I manually queried the papi plugin from the console it gave with the same variable it gave the correct number of players.
However it reports 0 players at all times in the DiscordGameStatus.
@Vankka I seem to also be experiencing DiscordSRV not reading placeholders properly.
PlaceholderAPI 2.10.10 dev 122
MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormat: "[%server_time_h%:%server_time_mm% %server_time_a%] **%javascript_prefix%** %displayname% &f» %message%"
MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormatNoPrimaryGroup: "%displayname% &f» %message%"
It parses fine in-game when testing with /papi parse <name> %javascript_prefix%
and displays fine used everywhere else.
This use to work fine for me but I assume broke in a recent update.
@mibby Unrelated issue. Was caused by it being surrounded in < and >, issue is fixed on latest development build