- 3
DiscordSRV prevents xAntiAFK placeholders from parsing
#1041 opened by ChipWolf - 3
Embed Support for DiscordChatChannelServerStartupMessage and DiscordChatChannelServerShutdownMessage
#1040 opened by slooshied - 3
Force to link doesnt work properly
#1039 opened by CraftedVortex - 2
Discord -> Minecraft Mentions not translating properly
#1038 opened by DerpDerpling - 1
Allow the Bukkit API instance to be called within the alerts feature
#1037 opened by Dinty1 - 11
Discord Slash Command Support
#1036 opened by quacksire - 1
it want me to report this
#1035 opened by Monferus - 1
VentureChat + Bungeecord permission issue
#1034 opened by ThaCrash - 2
LuckPerms cache request failed when LP is using MySQL storage
#1033 opened by Gamerz261 - 1
PremiumVanish PostPlayerHideEvent NullPointerException
#1032 opened by auremarc - 1
Idea: You could add prefix options
#1031 opened by AndrewTheProdigy - 1
Suggestion: Add discord Name variable into nickname sync
#1030 opened by expxx - 1
Discord Replies support
#1029 opened by DerpDerpling - 2
question about the alert function
#1028 opened by Blueeyestar - 3
Issue on KCauldron/Thermos 1.7.10 after player disconnect
#1027 opened by ChefMC - 3
Add support for \n to /discord broadcast
#1026 opened by Nesseley - 0
Ability to manually join proximity group.
#1025 opened by ShibeTemple - 1
DiscordSRV/LuckPerm Context Issue
#1024 opened by AccioAce - 1
Discord bot doesnt come online plz fix
#1023 opened by ctih1 - 5
Cannot invoke "org.bukkit.entity.Player.getName()" because "player" is null
#1022 opened by CloudMc-server - 0
Discord Bot Muting Server Owner
#1021 opened by snooker8 - 1
Problem with starting DiscordSRV
#1020 opened by JoshJames04 - 1
Voice debug messages Drowning out DEBUG
#1019 opened by berlincount - 2
Placeholder breaks when a discord message is split into two due to uploading an image.
#1018 opened by mibby - 1
The bot doesn't have the "Manage Permissions" permission in the voice lobby (Lobby)
#1017 opened by jbax1899 - 1
MCDiscordReserializer translates user pings to <@!userid| instead of @nickname
#1016 opened by saboooor - 1
Not using JDBC because of exception while matching parts of JDBC url: No group with name <protocol>
#1015 opened by mibby - 2
Commands from CMI
#1013 opened by nisemup - 2
API: Sending message as webhook
#1012 opened by kangarko - 2
Server Down/Up status in a different channel
#1011 opened by Scralar - 4
Linked account data requested on main thread
#1010 opened by mibby - 3
Death message doesn't showed
#1009 opened by Skyere - 1
- 2
Have the ability to split chat and console between two different servers
#1007 opened by morfie78 - 7
Problem with %bungee_total% from PAPI
#1006 opened by ZielonyQ - 2
Minecraft color hex codes
#1004 opened by H4zlq - 4
#1003 opened by Nunya-9018 - 5
#1002 opened by Nunya-9018 - 1
Traslate to Spanish
#1001 opened by AsRoyals - 2
DiscordSrv is automatically closed after the server is turned on
#1000 opened by GreenteaTW - 2
DiscordSRV is constantly causing my server to crash
#999 opened by Turtle-Boi - 4
Slightly misleading information in the comment of DiscordInviteLink
#998 opened by Andre601 - 6
Disconnected from discord and loads with this error
#997 opened by L33B0B - 6
SkinRestorer/offline skin support
#996 opened by dadcuy - 1
[Snapshot] Message is cut off after toprole
#994 opened by saboooor - 1
[Snapshot] %toprolecolor% is broken when image/file is sent
#993 opened by saboooor - 2
[Snapshot] &r is replaced with the top role color in discord->mc
#992 opened by saboooor - 4
API getAvatarUrl not working in offline servers
#991 opened by AlessioDP - 3
API sendMessage w/Avatar
#990 opened by confuser - 1
Messages in messages.yml get re-enabled after version upgrade
#988 opened by lazaroblanc