


Show XYZ coordinates of stations (showstats)

tschaffter opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Possibly add also the coordinates of the waypoints when entering /dt showflights.




I finally added this (sorry, totally forgot about those issues...) - commit 7dcec3d

For stations, this is included in the normal output of "/dt showstats".
For flights, this is included in a new command "/dt showflight " (output is too long to include in "/dt showflights" command.

I will colour the output a bit more in the future, but the basic functionality will be included in the next version of DT. :)


Added colours to output (commit d8cde7e). :)


I can do that for stations, but it is too much for Flights, I think.
I could put the first and the last waypoint there, but for flights with more than 10 waypoints, it would be a pain.


The bukkit plugin Brewery provides an elegant solution to this issue: A player is kicked from the server when he becomes too drunk. When he logs in back and depending on the "quality" of the alcohol he drank, he will wake up at a place picked randomly among a list of wakeup points defined by an admin beforehand.

To get the list of wakeup points: /brew wakeup list

2015-04-15_19 46 25

To tp to the wakeup point : /brew wakeup check ID

2015-04-15_19 48 50

There is also a way to tp successively to every wakeup points using /brew wakeup check. At each destinations, the player can kick in the air with his fist to tp to the next wakeup point or enter a command to cancel the checking of the wakeup points.

The list of station could be displayed in the same way as the wakeup points using /dt showstats.

The list of flights could be displayed in the same way as the stations with an ID and possibly the taking off and landing coordinates. The list of all the waypoints of a flight could be obtained using the command /pt showflight FLIGHT_ID.


Had a similar idea, I think you could also show some more information like an estimated travel time etc. in the details.


That would be great!