cant hear discord bot
pokeyjojo opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. i can't hear the music bot everything seems to be working though
Potential Causes
If you did anything specific to trigger the bug, write it here.
made the bot
Environment Info
Plugin version: X.X.X
Bukkit/Spigot server version: X.X.X
Configuration file
Sending us your plugin config.yml
file may help in diagnosing the issue. Paste the contents of the plugin's config file here: (feel free to omit your Discord token for security reasons)
Paste your config.yml file here
```# How long the hunters should get blindness and slowness when the match starts.
headStartDuration: 30
compassEnabledInNether: true
sendUsageData: true
enableDiscord: true
discordToken: censord(dont want you to see)
ip: a minecraft server
processDiscordCommands: true
discordServerId: 755250620906340493
musicChannelId: 782278143321964554
hunterRoleId: XXXXX
runnerRoleId: XXXXX
spectatorRoleId: XXXXX
uuid: ea862964-1768-48af-9fa6-feaade9a2dd1
## Server Logs
Please check your Server Console for any warnings or errors created by the plugin. If any are any, please copy and paste them here:
Paste relevant console warnings/errors here
Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 43271ms or 865 ticks behind
## Anything else?
Add any other context about the problem here.