Dream Minecraft Manhunt (with optional Discord music integration)

Help with the source code

marioded opened this issue · 3 comments


Hey, I'm new to java code, I've imported all the maven and the plugin works, but the discord API don't works. is there a precise method to import the github project to eclipse? I would like to change the plugin messages simply

That is the error that appears on start in console:


The plugin uses Maven to handle all dependencies. Maven stores all dependencies in the pom.xml file, so your IDE should give you an option to download all the required packages specified in that file.

I use IntelliJ for development and
I'm not sure how to do this in Eclipse, but if you Google how to set up Bukkit/Spigot with Maven in Eclipse there should be some guides to help.


Sorry, just read your issue again and you said that everything works except for Discord (which would be the JDA library). If I recall correctly I had to shade that plugin— make sure you included the file in the resources folder called mavrn-shade-plugin-3.2.4.jar.


Closing issue as stale— please reopen and provide more info if you are still having trouble!