Dungeon Maze


Plugin incompatible with newest mcpc+?

overclock22 opened this issue · 5 comments


Not sure what to think, the plugin sort of runs correctly. It at least worked correctly till they (mcpc team) swapped to forge world loading. Now I can generate worlds but I get stack overflow, general error and exceptions.

All this would be fine if I could get a working world. Worlds that do generate and appear normal don't allow me to teleport to them, I imagine this being because the DMworld folder is now, in fact, inside the world folder itself.

Checks on the world show loaded chunks and entities, /dm list shows the world loaded and preloaded etc. /dm teleport states it doesnt exist.

Some selections of exceptions and crashs.

this one happens often, it also often hangs the server on dm world generation. I thought it was an error with other mods or plugins but it occurs running it alone.


This one happens everytime I create a world.


I hope it is a fixable issue, The swap to forge world loading broke many of the plugins I used and I received not much help when I requested the team add a work around. I would hate to lose dungeon world too!


I forgot to post the mcpc+ link for your convenience



I recieved a reply from the mcpc developer and he says it shouldn't be more than a line of code for plugin changes but would be too much effort on his end. He stated a check to see if the worlds in the over worlds all that's needed. I'm not entirely sure what that means but I would love to get DM back. Thanks again



I will take a look into the problem, I hope I'm able to fix it, I'm not sure tough. I actually won't support other things than Bukkit, because it's too much of work, I personally thing everybody should just use Bukkit, I can't make the plugin work on every platform and system. But I will take a look into it anyway.

Btw, sorry for the late reply.

Tim Visée


Ah bukkit is great but mods are pretty great too. mcpc really does a solid job combining both so maybe itll be worth your time to look at XD

Unfortunately I got a chance to go over the 1.6 update and ocne again the worlds appear to generate fine I just cannot seem to get to them.

They dont seem to preload and when I go to list them it says they are indeed not loaded. Im not aware how to bring them out of this state as when I go to teleport to them it states they do not exist.


As far as I know this issue has been fixed in the newest Dungeon Maze release, in Dungeon Maze 0.1.7. This version might not be available yet on Bukkit because the Bukkit administrators need to verify the file, you can always download the newest version from this website on the 'Projects' page; http://timvisee.com/

Tim Visée