Easy Warp

Easy Warp


warp signs

jklll1810 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


non ops cant use warp signs


Non-ops can use the signs, usually.... jklll1810, perhaps you have some other permissions setting conflicting? If not, install a permissions plugin and give specific sign usage to your default/players. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/easy-warp Permissions are 2/3 down the page


I am using Spigot 1.8.8 and have the exact same issue, but for me it wipes the warps.yml (perhaps my version uses warps.yml where yours uses config.yml). My config.yml file mostly contains in-game response messages to commands executed.

I didn't notice this issue upon immediate install, but after a reboot or two it became apparent. I now have a locally saved file warps.yml that I have to remember to drop in after every stop or reboot, or none of the warps will work.

I've initiated a ticket concerning this issue as well.

Additionally, sometimes the warps will work between worlds and sometimes they won't - I can't track what the variables might be, and I'm seeing no output errors.


Every time I restart the server it wipes out all the warps and writes out the default config.
I am running Spigot 1.8.7, some times it also will suddenly decide to dislike a saved warp and will throw an exception when users attempt to use the warp. When this happens I don't see any particular issue with the warp in the warps.yml file, typically the warp has to be deleted using the EasyWarp command, however that will also throw an exception (but will also succeed to remove the warp from the warps.yml file)


Deleting warps fixed in 3.4 (hopefully)

Non-OP seems to be more of an issue with incorrect config/player permissions. Try taking a look at your config