


Permission for /back only on death

cicatrice74 opened this issue · 16 comments


Is it possible to have players do only /back if they die instead of having to give them the /back whenever they want ?

something like:

essentials.back --> they can use the /back command
essentials.back.ondeath --> they can only do /back when they die

i don't want they to forcefully have both of them to use the /back on death


Doesn't this already exist?


If u wamt to let players do back when they die u must give them also the normal back i cannot have them only use the back on death but the normal back too. I want to choose wich one to give them.


use an alias and tell them which one to use. if they type in /back do xyz if they type in /died you do back
not sure if you can override the default behavior by using an alias of the same name, but seems like it would work. So in your commands.yml, it would look similar to the below. You can change the name of "died" to anything you want of course. :-) The dash before the say command and back command should be shown, this editor keeps removing the dashes (-)
command-block-overrides: []

  • version $1-
  • say You are not allowed to use back in this game
  • back

it is sufficient to separate the two permissions:
essentials.back u can do back always but not on die
essentials.back.ondeath u can only do back on death
if u use both u can do back always


@smmmadden Could you use a paste service (or at the very least, code block tags)? Also, this seems to just hide the problem from players who have absolutely no initiative; it doesn't solve the issue at all.

@cicatrice74 I see what you mean now; this is a valid suggestion and I can see the use of it.


@cicatrice74 Could you create separate issues for each separate suggestion? (Also, you can use existing command-cooldowns to prevent command spam including /afk spam.)


I cannot see the afk command cooldown, have i to add it manually ?


Yes, you need to enable cooldowns and add the afk cooldown to the config.


Just wanted to jump in and say I was just looking for this exact feature. Specifically, since I'm trying to cut back on the amount of pure warping players are allowed to do, I'm looking to have a sign in the respawn room that issues the back command to players, which only sends them there on death. If that is too complicated, I would be totally OK with simply separating the permissions.


can u please write here the options to add to the config to have both commands and afk cooldowns ?


I would love to have this feature for my vanilla server, back on death only would be great since back is too OP for vailla


Closing because this permission node exists now.


@darbyjack Does it?


the perm might be there but it don't work, for only allowing players to use back only on death, thats OK I made my own plugin to do this