


Essentials Chat will not work.... VAULT INSTALLED

Dannysan626 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


So I ran into an issue while editing the config for EssentialsX. I was doing some customizations and when I got to the part for EssentialsChat, I could not edit the group formats and get them to work. Whenever I did, and reloaded the plugin and or the server, the output would still be the default:

<[Owner] DannySan626> : Test

not the

[Owner] Dannysan626 >>>>>> Test (WHICH I WANT)

I have tried everything from uninstalling ALL plugins, moving and removing '#' around the config. I even uninstalled and reinstalled the whole plugin, and edited the config (only the group formats part without editing anything else) and still no dice.

I also have VAULT installed.

There will be 3 pastebins for you to look at

             1 is just the Chat Formatting part of the config
             2 is the FULL config in case that is what you want
             3 is the startup log for the server 

I hope you can help, and if this is an issue with the plugin, then hopefully a fix is in order,

link 1:
link 2:
link 3:


Change this:

  // Should Factions set the chat format?
  // This should be kept at false if you use an external chat format plugin.
  // If you are planning on running a more lightweight server you can set this to true.
  "chatSetFormat": true,


  // Should Factions set the chat format?
  // This should be kept at false if you use an external chat format plugin.
  // If you are planning on running a more lightweight server you can set this to true.
  "chatSetFormat": false,

In MassiveCore-Factions config also you could try updating EssentialsX (2.0.1-b467)


I feel like an idiot.... I have used factions before and I forgot that it can change the chat layout. Sorry -.-