


Build broken due to broken ninja repository

RoyCurtis opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When attempting to build EssentialsXParent, it fails when building EssentialsX. This is because the supervisor-bukkit dependency itself has a dependency on exhaust-bukkit. exhaust-bukkit is only available on a repository which is currently returning HTTP error 500.


  1. Follow the Building instructions for EssentialsX
  2. When executing mvn clean install, observe the build of EssentialsX fails


  1. Clone into a directory with git clone
  2. Inside the cloned Exhaust directory, execute gradlew install
  3. Try building EssentialsXParent again


This is for build system newbies, like I, who are confused about how Maven and Gradle work

The install gradle task is provided by the maven plugin, and therefore acts like a maven installation.

A maven installation is when a project, such as Exhaust, is installed to your system's local maven repository. Maven will then use this local repository (which can be seen as a cache) when looking for the exhaust-bukkit dependency, thus bypassing the broken ninja repository.

This also explains why running java -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.8 etc. magically makes EssentialsX buildable; BuildTools installs the CraftBukkit jars to the local system repository, too.


This repository appears to have been broken since April 2016. If I assumed correctly that the repository maintainer is @kashike, I have emailed them to notify of the repository issue.


I don't see how this can be fixed on EssentialsX's end without simply removing the Supervisor dependency - it's not a direct dependency, and as far as I can tell SupaHam's commons-minecraft only uses the repos it specifies in its own POM to find Exhaust.


I've cloned Exhaust onto This should be fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience.


@md678685: Indeed, it's not EssentialsX' fault per se. I opted to report it here however, as I imagine more people would be trying to build EssentialsX than commons-minecraft, and thus be running into this issue. I posted it for the workaround more than anything.

That said, I am closing this issue. It appears @kashike has brought the repository back up and I was able to build EssentialsX (after deleting ninja.* from my local .m2 repository). Thank you very much, kashike!


This has been fixed in af5d2c2. You can grab the fix from build 471 on the CI server.

Sorry for the inconvenience.