EssentialsPlayerListener caues server to lag
wanted156 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
I've ran multiple timings reads and it always points to essentials being the main cause of the "on join delay".
This is the read:
Running Essentials 2.0.1-b468
I do believe you, I just can't reproduce. 57 ms seems fine. Might be an I/O issue with server.
Yes, i understand. I know it's hard to reproduce, especially when even on my side it happens just once. What do you suggest i do?
Latest timings:
While it is taking up some time on your CPU it doesn't look like the culprit of TPS being too low.
It takes around 50 ms for the task to complete after a player joins. That's fine, considering it does quite some things there. Are you running the server from a vServer?
I'm running the servers (11 of them) on a Microsoft Azure VM. There are absolutely no problems on join on any other servers, just on hub. When players join they have to wait a couple of secs for them to "load".
Your timings suggest that it takes 57 ms on average.
If they experience lag, it must be longer for some players than it takes for others. There are no readings in your timings suggesting that it takes a couple of secs. Is the Essentials player file of players that do lag filled with lots of homes? How large are these files?
It's just on hub, so no homes are set... on others servers, more intensive, that doesn't happen.
You can check it out yourself at