Sweeping Edge Enchantment
Opened this issue ยท 9 comments
Server Version: 1.11.2
Essentials Version: Latest of 2.0.1
Issue: Trying to use /enchant sweepingedge/sweeping 1-3
Some reason this enchantment doesn't exist but I am certain there is a enchantment like this in vanilla minecraft but when I do /enchant it only lists the following for swords:
Bane of Arthropods
Fire Aspect
Vanishing Curse
Sweeping Edge should be in this list and I could have swore it was in previous Essentials versions.
Tried every sword type (Gold, Iron, Wood, Stone & Diamond) none of them had this enchantment..
Unless I'm dumb and they removed it prior to 1.11.2 then I think you should add this enchant to the list of enchantments.
I've quickly edited the class and haven't actually tested this. I would appreciate it if you could test out a build and let me know if it works. You can get it here.
P.S. Using the new version should not cause any extraordinary harm.
Thank you very much for the quick fix (hopefully)
I'll get back to you in a second telling you if it worked!
Yeah it works when I do /enchant Sweeping 1-3
but it doesn't list it in the available enchants while just typing /enchant while holding a sword. Not sure if that's a easy fix.
lists all valid enchantments on the item (as decided by Minecraft itself), assuming the user has the enchant permission. In this case essentials.enchantments.sweeping_edge
I was op when testing it and it still didn't show up I even tried adding that permission after and its still not there. @SupaHam
I'll have to look further into this at a later date, I'm currently busy with exams.