


essentials.silentquit does not work

EchoLost99 opened this issue ยท 6 comments



On my server we use GroupManager and EssentialsX.

I have granted the permission "essentials.silentjoin" and "essentials.silentquit" to an admin group called Administrator and another admin group called ANBU. The admins are able to log on silently, but when they log off, a typical logoff message is displayed to the entire server. I have verified that they do have this permission, and checked the debugged log where EssentialsX checks player "____" for silentquit when they log off, and it always says false unless a player is OP.

I have tried researching the issue and looking through config for anything I would have missed. I did set "allow-silent-join-quit: true" in essentialx's config, and OP players on the server ARE able to both log in and out silently.

The only answer I have found at the moment is to look for an overlapping plugin to manage vanished and silent players, but I am wondering if there is another option to get Essential's silentquit working?

  • What server version and EssentialsX version are you using? /version and /essentials
  • (Use another permissions plugin such as PEX or LuckPerms - GroupManager is not supported.)
  • Could you paste a plugin list? /plugins
  • Could you paste your GM config?
  • Could you paste any excepts of the logs with debug mode enabled?

I am currently waiting on a few plugin updates to move to 1.12, so for the moment everything on my server is 1.11.2 or older plugins that are still compatible.

/version: git-spigot-3f9445-2b6c9f4 (API: 1.11.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
EssentialsX version: 2.0.1-b481

An example of a vanished player in group "ANBU" leaving the server with /ess debug on:

[Server thread/INFO]: Puddle134 lost connection: Disconnected
[Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] checking if Puddle134 has essentials.silentquit - false
[Server thread/INFO]: Puddle134 left the game

Files: ***** I recommend using Notepad++ to view/read these files.*****

I am not sure what's causing the issue here. Any help is greatly appreciated.


most of the plugins for Spigot have been updated to 1.12. Have you looked here for updates? There is a GroupManagerX which is supported and may be a viable option for you or PEX, which is what I've moved to and it works fine.


I tested GroupManagerX on a test server, and it doesn't solve this problem. I aslo tested PEX for the basic things, and it looks like a much uglier plugin than GroupManager, as well as needed to start from scratch on permissions. I may have to go down that route if EssentialsX will no longer support original GM, and if 1.12 won't support it.

However, I am still looking for a reason as to why EssentialsX will acknowledge an admin silently joining correctly, but still notifies the server that they left the game, because the silentquit isn't registering.


Does use-bukkit-permissions being set to true change this at all?


Closing due to inactivity. If you need further assistance, feel free to respond to this issue and we'll reopen it.