/recipe shows pink cubes
Platinteufel opened this issue ยท 15 comments
typing /recipe workbench only shows me pink cubes instead of wooden planks.
I think he means this: http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/minecraft.gamepedia.com/f/f4/Lockedchest13w18b.png?version=53b47933d81b7d9d9ba124d131c325a2
It has happened to me too with one of the recipes.
I can confirm this
+1, should be easy fix though.
This happens, when the data value of the item is non existant and is a new behaviour in Minecraft 1.8.
Spigot 1.8.8, latest EssX dev build. Just test it in your environment. Should be broken since 1.8.
/recipe workbench
Guys, the /recipe command is broken cuz the item ids changed since they editted it, it shows corrupted texture, the Dev needs to update them.
I suspect this line to be the issue: https://github.com/drtshock/Essentials/blob/2.x/Essentials/src/com/earth2me/essentials/commands/Commandrecipe.java#L93
This only happens to shaped recipes, and all of the pink cubes are set to amount 0. Not sure though.
Recipes that support any data value of item have ingredients with data values of Short.MAX_VALUE. Since 1.8, any data value of a block the client doesn't have a texture for displays as the missing textures magenta and black check pattern, where before it would just show the default texture.
@Kakifrucht I do not believe that shapeless recipes would display properly either.
If you could, please provide an example of a shapeless recipe that uses blocks with nonspecific data values that displays correctly - I can't think of a single one in vanilla, which could be why you have not experienced it.