Payment confirm disable
Arkobat opened this issue · 7 comments
EssentialsX version (/essentials):
Essentials 2.0.1-bSNAPSHOT
Server software (/version):
Paper Spigot 1.12.2
Can there be added in config something like
payment-confirm: false
If true, it will ask if you would pay as i does now.
If false, it won't ask
I know there is a command to disable it (something like /paytoggle), but i want it to be false by default.
So I would need to make a plugin to handle pay?
I won't have the accept payment, if that means I have to get a developer to make a plugin only to handle pay, because essentials won't make it configurable, that's what i will do, but I think that's stupid...
It is configurable, per player. If your players understand the consequences of disabling pay confirmation then there will be no problem. Educate your community.
per-player configurable is just a bad idea. It should be configurable in config too. I don't want to tell a player to use a long command just to toggle something that 90% want off by default...
would be nice.
and pls update:
it leads to a inactive jenkins page!