


Command logging in console option in config

JunkiEDM opened this issue ยท 3 comments


This is a feature request to add a config option to be able to enable/disable command block/player command logging in the console. This gets incredibly annoying when you have a command block clock especially since it is a default spigot.yml feature. Usually I would edit the source code, but I get this:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 01:23 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-08-21T11:36:43-03:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 17M/316M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.
3.2:compile (default-compile) on project Essentials: Compilation failure: Compil
ation failure:
[ERROR] \Users_\Documents\GitHub\Essentials\Essentials\src\com\earth2me
\essentials\[117,15] error: method get in interface Cache<K,V> cann
ot be applied to given types;
[ERROR] \Users_\Documents\GitHub\Essentials\Essentials\src\com\earth2me
\essentials\commands\[22,36] error: reference to getTargetBloc
k is ambiguous
[ERROR] \Users_\Documents\GitHub\Essentials\Essentials\src\com\earth2me
\essentials\craftbukkit\[20,7] error: FakeWorld is not abstract a
nd does not override abstract method getWorldBorder() in World
[ERROR] \Users_\Documents\GitHub\Essentials\Essentials\src\com\earth2me
\essentials\commands\[28,50] error: reference to getTarget
Block is ambiguous
[ERROR] \Users_\Documents\GitHub\Essentials\Essentials\src\com\earth2me
\essentials\[27,7] error: OfflinePlayer is not abstract and d
oes not override abstract method getLastTwoTargetBlocks(Set,int) in Li
[ERROR] \Users_\Documents\GitHub\Essentials\Essentials\src\com\earth2me
\essentials\signs\[46,35] error: reference to getTargetB
lock is ambiguous

A config option or help on compiling the source code would really improve things (for me at least) And I know some other people were upset at how the official essentials or Teamcity essentials didnt have this as an option.

On a side note, is Spigot-essentials required / needed with essX or do the features come with it?

Thanks for the help!


Spigot essentials isn't required. This is a drop in replacement for essentials.

I don't understand the rest of your ticket.


When any form of essenials is installed, including this one, it overwrites the spigot.yml function for whether or not to show command block outputs in the server console. What I am asking for is a way to disable command logging in console in a config (


See also #1153

Bumping this issue to say that with EssentialsX loaded, the silent-commandblock-console: true setting present in the spigot.yml file of Spigot and PaperSpigot servers is ignored, allowing command blocks to potentially create heavy log spam.

This may not be a problem for all servers but as soon as you have any repeat CBs in your world, log spam could potentially lead to exceeding a hosting provider's storage allowance.

Without any way to disable this behaviour inside Essentials config, I'd consider this is a bug, not an enhancement request, and hope that it would be treated as such.