


Display/playername displaying prefix and suffix

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Issue I am having with essentials is that when people do /msg or /give or anything that involves a playername it will sometimes display the playername "PLAYER" and other times it will display everything "PREFIX PLAYER SUFFIX" It seems random as to when it will display which one but I figured out if you I dont talk in chat it will simply display my nickname, if I talk in chat then it displays all the PREFIX PLAYER SUFFIX, same goes with other players. I am using ChatControlPro if this matters. I removed every plugin from the server except essentials, vault, protocol lib, and PEX and it still shows the displayname and not the PlayerName. Maybe add an option for this somewhere so people can choose?

EssentialsX version (/essentials):
EssentialsX-2.0.1 (build #545)

Server software (/version):
Spigot 1.12.2

Server (logs/latest.log):

EssentialsX config (if applicable):
If needed I will add. Dont think its neeeded.


Please paste your config on Gist.


I have ChangeDisplaName set to true because nicks dont work properly and even with it set to false it still shows the PREFIX PLAYER SUFFIX in commands like /tpa and /give


@md678685 The prefix/suffix part might be another plugin but I know for a fact that if I change my nick in essentials when doing /give or /tpa or /msg or anything it changes the name used in those commands.


Could you post a plugin list? /plugins

This doesn't appear to be caused by EssentialsX, as to my knowledge EssentialsX doesn't add prefixes or suffixes to the display name.


I dont know what could be cause it other than essentials itself, reason being is I deleted all but the plugins listed in my original post above and still had the issue.


Could you post a screenshot of where the changed display name appears, both when all of your plugins are installed and when only EssentialsX is installed?


Here is what happens when all plugins are installed and I do commands like /afk /gm 1 /tpa /give
I think what is happening is that essentials is asking PEX what the users "displayname" is so it shows the prefix nickname suffix and that is why you see the RANGER before and PRINCESS after the players name as well as mine. When doing /gm 1 and /give it somestimes shows the PREFIX/SUFFIX as well as the nickname and sometimes it does not. (no clue why)

Here it is without any plugins (essentials only)
The nick still appears as change but without the prefix/suffix cause pex is gone. As soon as I turn the nick names off it will all go back to how it should be.

This is after I did /nick off for both accounts. (essentials only)


The issue is probably not caused by PEX - to confirm this, try with only EssentialsX, Vault and PEX installed. Checking the startup log may also be helpful to see which plugin EssentialsX is relying on to handle permissions.


EssentialsX says on startup it is using vault based permissions (permissionsex)
Here is what it looks like when only those three plugins are installed.
The prefix/suffix are not there, but it still should not be using the nickname for the playername it should be using the actual playername.


EssentialsX uses the display name for command messages, and the display name is automatically set to the player's nickname if change-displayname is true - this is intended behaviour and is not a bug.

Regarding the prefix and suffix, another plugin is adding these to the display name somewhere. I suggest incrementally removing and adding back plugins until you find the culprit, then see if it can be disabled within that plugin.


Understandable but when Change-displayname is set to false it does not allow players or myself to change their nickname. So I would have to install another plugin to display nicknames to turn this feature off.


EssentialsX's display name feature is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. Using any other plugin for nicknames will achieve exactly the same effect.

As far as I can see, the prefix and suffix issue is not related to EssentialsX.