


/pay confirmation (suggestion)

matejokemp opened this issue ยท 4 comments



I have started using your plugin EssentialsX, but there's 1 feature I would like to be added/changed.
You added a /pay confirmation, which can be nice for some people, but we use our own /pay GUI, and so we looked for an option in the config to disable this. But I didn't find any.

So my suggestion/request is that you add an option to disable /pay confirmation in the config, or just a permission to bypass this.

PS; Yes, I'm aware that there's a toggle command, but we need it to be disabled by default.



Yea same as my #1667


If the player is running the command, they will get the confirmation request. They can individually toggle this behaviour by using the /payconfirmtoggle or any of its aliases. This behaviour is similar to /clearinventory's confirmation security, making it standard across all servers for safety against malicious intent.

EDIT: Consider making your GUI open another page which asks them to confirm and just have it execute /pay again. Although I'm not happy with the following solution, you should be able to give new players a kit when they join the server and have it run the confirm toggle command. For existing players you may edit their files (preferably via a script) to set confirm-pay. But that completely defeats the purpose of the introduction of this feature and I highly recommend you go with the former.


I honestly don't see why it can be an issue to just let it be togglable or just add a permission for it. The point was that there's a confirmation GUI. Not 2.

(almost) everything in essentials is toggleable. I don't see why you're forcing people to have this as a feature. If you really do not want to add a permission or option to disable this (for everyone, I don't need all my players to do /paytoggle), can you just give me the source code so my developers can do this themselves?

EDIT: I found the source code. I guess we'll do it ourselves then, but I really don't see why this can't be added. It's not hard.


@Mrmaty @partydragen I've built essentials with confirmations disabled by default. You can find it here.

Please be advised that by using this modified software, you will get no official support from EssentialsX and that you are on your own.