


cannot pour lava when deopped

Blighthorn opened this issue ยท 11 comments


EssentialsX version (run /essentials): Build 578

Server software (run /version): This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-7754231-9a1f5ee (MCL1.12.2) (Implementing API version 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT

Server (logs/latest.log):

EssentialsX config (plugins/Essentials/config.yml):


Not - Opped players cannot pour lava from bucket. They CAN place TNT and do everything else properly.
Although blocks 10,11,327 was removed from configuration from Antibuild section.


Could you run /ess debug, then paste the console output when the issues occur?


Nothing is catched by /ess debug when I am trying to pour lava bucket.


Eveything pointed to Essentials, but this was not the cause. I must apologize you guys. It was another plugin, that I use to prevent loot and exp farms (Antifarm component). It has also World component that I never used, and is disabled, however it seems it still somehow work, even disabled.
For anyone who will have similiar problem in the future, maybe you have:
MonsterFix and its component World, even if disabled have parameter lheight (limit-height) Height value to deny placing forbidden blocks (10 and 11 - as default).
this value can be raised lets say to 250.
Thank you guys for quick response.


No worries - thanks for reporting back about Monsterfix.


Please put your log file in a pastebin as well as your config.yml


server log
(log has enabled some additionals debug logs from several plugins for additional data)


What's the issue here? Lava is in the placement blacklist, so players aren't supposed to be able to place it.


lines 802 to 822 - there is no lava there in config.yml
It was removed by me (block id 10,11,327)


My mistake - misread the config. Could you enable alerts for placement of lava and see whether alerts are output when players try to place lava and TNT?


even for OP I have message in game and nothing in console for TNT.
Warning: TNT will not destroy blocks above the sea level.
This appears to be true, and I do not know why.
I added 327 in line 803 so it is now on-placement: 46,327
After save + essentials reload - nothing still can place as OP, without warning, and no warning for not-op, and no placing too.
added 10 on-placement: 10,46,327 results the same
added 11 on-placement: 10,11,46,327 results the same

no warning for lava at all
op can pour lava bucket
not-op cannot pour lava bucket
TNT works with warning for OP, but above sea level it does nothing... which puzzles me more.
edit: of course TNT cannot be placed by not-op because blacklist.
edit2: well interesting that not-op have additional message about not having permission to put TNT here - but that's because of that blacklist. Lava is not on blacklist, and get no message about permission, and still placing by not-op not work.


It is possible to place lava on blocks to Y asis = 91
92 and higher is not possible. (by not-op).
Is it possible to change it anywhere? I am on aplified, thus lot of people living higher.
I think that "not enough info" tag could be removed.