


Request: Mask invisible people from /near

TomLewis opened this issue ยท 22 comments


/near should mask/hide invisible people.
it may be cool to do &kusername to obscure their username, so they know someone is close but not know who. also the option to toggle on just hiding invis people from /near.


/near already hides vanished people iirc.


Which vanish plugin are you using? It hides them if they are vanished by essentials or bukkit


No. It works on everyone, even staff that are in /v, it really needs to be fixed.


That doesn't sound like EssentialsX
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Describe your issue here.


@LaxWasHere None of that is relevant.
But because you asked:
essversion: 2.0.1-b570
paperspigot 1.12.2 1322

No need for my log or config to be public.

Either way, invisible people SHOULD NOT be displayed on /near.


Using Vanish by Essentails, Hmm strange. I will re-test.
As for the Invisibility potion, that would be handy to get implemented.


People who have invisibility potions are still visible to players, so I'm not sure if this makes much sense.

If you're using EssentialsX's vanish or any other well-written vanish plugin, EssentialsX will not show vanished players in /near.


How is this still marked invalid? People that use A potion to be invisible should not show up on ./near, hell make it a permission so people have the option, or in the config.


Im sure Vanish is fine, I had it reported by one of my admins and haven't had time to check.

You may not think it makes sense, but as someone that's run a survival for 5 years with /near is valuable to players, but its a little too OP as it displays invisible players, invisible players only have very, very small particles visible, hardly call them "people who have invisibility potions are still visible to players", no, really not, they show off a very small particle effect.

Where as /near would just say XYZ is standing so far away, gives them away. its something very simple that could be checked, its an incredibly basic request that has only positive results, for those people that only have /near for staff, you can have a permission node that makes hidden people show in a different color in near.


Players with invisibility potions are still synced to the client when in range, and are still considered "visible" by most plugins.

I can open this to a PR, but it's just not a high enough priority change for me to implement at the momoent.


But I'm not talking about other plugins, I'm talking about just essentials, it's just how it should act. I don't have anything else that tells players if there's someone nearby


I think they shouldn't be hidden. Just my opinion.


It doesn't change much though - if they're within range of the player, then any player can mod their client to show where synced players are.


@NachoMans Depends how you setup your server.

@md678685 I have spoken to a large selection of players on how ./near should act, and nearly all of them as players want ./near to hide invisible players, This is from a survival aspect, Of course players could mod their clients, but that isnt anything to do with this request, I personally don't allow modded clients on my server, and set the rules myself.


@FrozenBeard For a survival server, I wouldn't give them /near.


It's a donator perk.


I think it's established that we disagree with this functionality change.


Why did you delete my comment? When someone else finds this thread they will have an option that works.


Please don't advertise your plugins or scripts here. This is an issue tracker, not an advertisment spot. If you want to promote your own plugins and scripts, post them on Spigot or another forum.


@md678685 haha what? Neither of those things is happening, its a solution to this thread, Its something I had to create due to this "issue", it couldn't be more relevant. How far up your own ass can you possibly be to consider this "advertising". pathetic.


This is the second time that you've had your comments deleted for advertising. Please stop or you will be banned from the org.

Another thing is just be nice :) We're all here in our spare time to help people out for free. Lets not make it any harder on us than it already is.


As I said, feel free to post your script to a forum or resource board. This isn't the place for it.