[Translate-Add] Updated dutch localization.
Remski01 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I have updated a few engelish lines in the Dutch(official) localization file.
[ English / old version. ]
[ Dutch / translated version. ]
confirmClear=\u00a77To \u00a7lCONFIRM\u00a77 inventory clear, please repeat command: \u00a76{0}
confirmClear=\u00a77Om de inventory clear te \u00a7lBEVESTIGEN\u00a77, Herhaal de command: \u00a76{0}
confirmPayment=\u00a77To \u00a7lCONFIRM\u00a77 payment of \u00a76{0}\u00a77, please repeat command: \u00a76{1}
confirmPayment=\u00a77Om de betaling van \u00a76{0}\u00a77 te \u00a7lBEVESTIGEN\u00a77, Herhaal de command: \u00a76{1}
createdKit=\u00a76Created kit \u00a7c{0} \u00a76with \u00a7c{1} \u00a76entries and delay \u00a7c{2}
createdKit=\u00a76Gemaakte kit \u00a7c{0} \u00a76met \u00a7c{1} \u00a76items en met \u00a7c{2} \u00a76vertraging.
createKitFailed=\u00a74Error occurred whilst creating kit {0}.
createKitFailed=\u00a74Fout opgetreden tijdens het maken van kit {0}.
commandCooldown=\u00a7cYou cannot type that command for {0}.
commandCooldown=\u00a7cJe kan deze command niet typen voor {0}.
banIpJoin=Your IP address is banned from this server. Reason: {0}
banIpJoin=Jou IP adress is verbannen van deze server. Reden: {0}
banJoin=You are banned from this server. Reason: {0}
banJoin=Je bent van de server verbannen. Reden: {0}
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOff=\u00a76You will no longer be prompted to confirm inventory clears.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOff=\u00a76Je zal niet meer worden gevraagd om je inventory clear te bevestigen.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOn=\u00a76You will now be prompted to confirm inventory clears.
clearInventoryConfirmToggleOn=\u00a76Je zal nu worden gevraagd om je inventory clear te bevestigen.
payConfirmToggleOff=\u00a76You will no longer be prompted to confirm payments.
payConfirmToggleOff=\u00a76Je zal niet meer worden gevraagd om betalingen te bevestigen.
payConfirmToggleOn=\u00a76You will now be prompted to confirm payments.
payConfirmToggleOn=\u00a76Je zal worden gevraagd om betalingen te bevestigen.
payMustBePositive=\u00a74Amount to pay must be positive.
payMustBePositive=\u00a74De aantal wat je wilt geven moet positief zijn.
payToggleOff=\u00a76You are no longer accepting payments.
payToggleOff=\u00a76Je accepteert niet langer betalingen.
payToggleOn=\u00a76You are now accepting payments.
payToggleOn=\u00a76Je accepteert betalen weer.
Feel free to PR these changes - you'll want to click edit in the corner of this file, change the file as needed, then fill in the bottom and click Commit to open a PR.
Done #1888
Closed in favour of #1888