


item prevented from using -> not all items work (discs)

o0Julia0o opened this issue ยท 5 comments


hi, i addet alle diskc(2256 etc.) and the jukebox(84) to the items prevent from use-list. But the discs can still be used with the jucebox and so they are playing music.
# Which items should people be prevented from using?
usage: 327, 84, 2256, 2257, 2258, 2259, 2260, 2261, 2262, 2263, 2264, 2265, 2266, 2267
Using: Spigot 1.12.2 & EssentialsX 2.0.1-b488


Hello, the issue template exist for a reason, please follow it.

### Information

EssentialsX version (run `/ess version`): 
Server software (run `/version`): 
Server log (upload `logs/latest.log` to [Gist](
EssentialsX config (upload `plugins/Essentials/config.yml` to [Gist]( 
### Details

Describe your issue here.

That config section is for EssentialsAntiBuild which requires you have the EssXAntiBuild module.


Closing due to lack of response. If this is still a problem, feel free to respond and reopen the issue.


the bug still exists in the actual version.


@o0Julia0o Please follow the issue template instructions as requested.

Otherwise, if you are reporting a bug, read on:
1.  Fill out the template, running the commands either in the console or 
    as a player. Don't simply put "latest" or we will ignore it.

2.  When linking files, do not attach them to the post! Paste them on, then paste a link to them in the relevant parts
    of the template. Avoid using Hastebin or Pastebin, as files are deleted
    after a period of time.

3.  If you are reporting an issue with lag, please include a timings report.

4.  If you are reporting an issue with messages or in-game behaviour, please
    include screenshots detailing the problem.

5.  Include a description and any other details that may be helpful under the
    Details section.

6.  Delete this line and all above lines before posting your issue!       -->

### Information

Full output of `/ess version`:

Server log (upload `logs/latest.log` to [Gist](

EssentialsX config (upload `plugins/Essentials/config.yml` to [Gist]( 

### Details

Describe your issue here.


Closing again due to a lack of response to my previous message.

If this is still a problem, please respond following the above instructions and template.