


Creeper damage issue

LogGits opened this issue ยท 15 comments



Full output of /ess version:

Server version: 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT git-Paper-1402 (MC: 1.12.2)
EssentialsX version:
LuckPerms version: 4.1.25
Vault version: 1.6.10
EssentialsXProtect version:


Has there been anything implemented to alter the damage of creepers. I have recently noticed that creepers do at max half a heart of damage to a player with diamond armour. Is there a setting i am missing that alters this? I disabled essentials and the damages was back to normal. Any ideas?

Incase its important (essentialsprotect section of config.yml):


  # General physics/behavior modifications.
    lava-flow: false
    water-flow: false
    water-bucket-flow: false
    fire-spread: true
    lava-fire-spread: true
    flint-fire: false
    lightning-fire-spread: true
    portal-creation: false
    tnt-explosion: true
    tnt-playerdamage: false
    tnt-minecart-explosion: true
    tnt-minecart-playerdamage: false
    fireball-explosion: true
    fireball-fire: false
    fireball-playerdamage: false
    witherskull-explosion: true
    witherskull-playerdamage: false
    wither-spawnexplosion: true
    wither-blockreplace: true
    creeper-explosion: false
    creeper-playerdamage: false
    creeper-blockdamage: true
    enderdragon-blockdamage: true
    enderman-pickup: true
    villager-death: false
    # Monsters won't follow players.
    # permission essentials.protect.entitytarget.bypass disables this.
    entitytarget: false
    # Prevent the spawning of creatures.
      creeper: false
      skeleton: false
      spider: false
      giant: false
      zombie: false
      slime: false
      ghast: false
      pig_zombie: false
      enderman: false
      cave_spider: false
      silverfish: false
      blaze: false
      magma_cube: false
      ender_dragon: false
      pig: false
      sheep: false
      cow: false
      chicken: false
      squid: false
      wolf: false
      mushroom_cow: false
      snowman: false
      ocelot: false
      iron_golem: false
      villager: false
      wither: false
      bat: false
      witch: false
      horse: false

  # Maximum height the creeper should explode. -1 allows them to explode everywhere.
  # Set prevent.creeper-explosion to true, if you want to disable creeper explosions.
    max-height: -1

  # Disable various default physics and behaviors.
    # Should fall damage be disabled?
    fall: false

    # Users with the essentials.protect.pvp permission will still be able to attack each other if this is set to true.
    # They will be unable to attack users without that same permission node.
    pvp: false

    # Should drowning damage be disabled?
    # (Split into two behaviors; generally, you want both set to the same value.)
    drown: false
    suffocate: false

    # Should damage via lava be disabled?  Items that fall into lava will still burn to a crisp. ;)
    lavadmg: false

    # Should arrow damage be disabled?
    projectiles: false

    # This will disable damage from touching cacti.
    contactdmg: false

    # Burn, baby, burn!  Should fire damage be disabled?
    firedmg: false

    # Should the damage after hit by a lightning be disabled?
    lightning: false

    # Should Wither damage be disabled?
    wither: false

    # Disable weather options?
      storm: true
      thunder: true
      lightning: true

This doesn't seem like an EssentialsX issue.

Could you run /ess debug, then paste the output when a creeper explodes and only deals half a heart damage?


/ess debug, doesn't output any data for creeper explosions on the build im using.

Oddly enough, when i disable essentials using plugman, creepers do regular damage. I am fairly certain this is caused by essentials as i even went through all my plugins disabling them one by one and essentials was the cause. Is there any config option, that deals with this?


As far as I know, EssentialsX doesn't change damage amounts unless you're in god mode.

This might be a side effect of protect.preevnt.creeper-blockdamage: true - try setting this to false.


It happens to all users on the server, I dont use god mode. I tried setting protect.prevent.creeper-blockdamage: true to false but all that did was actually break blocks. It still did half a heart of damage from the explosion (sometimes none)


Does this still occur when only EssentialsX Protect is removed, or just when EssentialsX is removed?


It appears to only happen when EssentialsX is removed. I disabled EssentialsX Protect and it still did 1 heart of damage.


Are you sure you don't have god mode or vanish enabled? Try toggling them both on and off.


Yes and i am sure because other users (regular players) who play also have the same take 1heart of damage. There is no way for these users to even get access to godmode/vanish.


Marking as unconfirmed as I can't see any concrete steps to replicate this.


Okie, I will try to find a method of reproducing this by testing on my local machine. I would be interested to see if its an issue relating to the config setup. Il try default config vs current config.


oddly enough cant reproduce it on my local machine.
I did notice this section, could this be related to the issue. Player is only taking fall damage.

} else if (entity instanceof Creeper && (prot.getSettingBool(ProtectConfig.prevent_creeper_explosion) || prot.getSettingBool(ProtectConfig.prevent_creeper_blockdmg) || (maxHeight >= 0 && event.getLocation().getBlockY() > maxHeight))) {

if (entity instanceof Creeper && (prot.getSettingBool(ProtectConfig.prevent_creeper_explosion) || prot.getSettingBool(ProtectConfig.prevent_creeper_blockdmg) || (maxHeight >= 0 && event.getLocation().getBlockY() > maxHeight))) {
            //Nicccccccccce plaaacccccccccce..
            event.getLocation().getWorld().createExplosion(event.getLocation(), 0F);

And no i didnt add in the "nice place" thing.


Can you reproduce without ess protect enabled?


@drtshock When essentials protect is disabled, it still happens. The only to fix it, is to remove essentials. Therefore, I am suspicious that it is a plugin that hooks into essentials. Is there a way to see what plugins are depending on essentials ingame? This would be really useful as it is happening on the production server, therefore, it would be difficult to slowly remove 55 plugins 1 at a time.


There's no realistic way to track what plugins access EssentialsX at runtime from a technical perspective, no. The best thing would be to replicate it on a replica test server and remove plugins one at a time to avoid impacting your production server.


I don't really use this anymore but I assume it's resolved.