


[Feature Request] Social Spy

AntZaro opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I know more customization was recently made available for the social spy, and I really appreciate it. But I'm looking for one additional setting.

Is it possible to add a setting for social spy to use usernames vs display names? Because I find the current format of display name to be awful in social spy. It's way too busy and too much information. I don't need to see people's rank and nickname within social spy, but rather just their username.

I'd love to just make it look like "[SS] Player:" or something simple like that, but I'm unable to edit the use of display name right now. I hope you'll consider this. Thank you!


This isn't currently possible, but should be doable once PlaceholderAPI is supported (#1945).


Ah awesome, I look forward to it! Thanks