


Suggestion for auto-afk listeners

takatalvi opened this issue ยท 2 comments


User scenario, rationale
As part of an AFK rule revision, I recently set cancel-afk-on-interact to false to disable AFK fishing farms. I still have an auto-AFK timer set to 5 minutes, and cancel-afk-on-move on true. Now my players like to complain that when they just stand around and chat, they are set to afk, and after some time, kicked due to an auto AFK kick timer.

The need
To have a separate setting for cancelling AFK on chat entries, instead of counting it in interact. Either on any chat entry, or it could be possible to specify what entries would cancel AFK (plain chat message, /msg, /w, /r, etc.) But really, anything goes - if there was such a setting, managing player presence would be much easier.

The suggestion
Add a separate setting for cancelling AFK on a chat/command entry, either on any entry, or on a list of entries that could be customized by the admin.


Hi, I would like to work on this issue. Can it be assigned to me? Thanks


This has already been implemented in #3863.