


EssentialsAntiBuild Unknown items

lantren opened this issue · 7 comments



Server log:

EssentialsX config:



I get this error in startup. I also get it if i DELETE the existing config.yml, items.jsom AND items.csv and let essentialsX create brand new files

[07:22:06 INFO]: [EssentialsAntiBuild] Enabling EssentialsAntiBuild vdev-29.155
[07:22:06 ERROR]: §4Unknown item 10 in protect.alert.on-placement list.
[07:22:06 ERROR]: §4Unknown item 11 in protect.alert.on-placement list.
[07:22:06 ERROR]: §4Unknown item 46 in protect.alert.on-placement list.
[07:22:06 ERROR]: §4Unknown item 327 in protect.alert.on-placement list.
[07:22:06 ERROR]: §4Unknown item 327 in protect.alert.on-use list.
[07:22:06 ERROR]: §4Unknown item 10 in protect.blacklist.placement list.
[07:22:06 ERROR]: §4Unknown item 11 in protect.blacklist.placement list.
[07:22:06 ERROR]: §4Unknown item 46 in protect.blacklist.placement list.
[07:22:06 ERROR]: §4Unknown item 327 in protect.blacklist.placement list.
[07:22:06 ERROR]: §4Unknown item 327 in protect.blacklist.usage list.
Full output of /ess version:
[07:31:59 INFO]: CONSOLE issued server command: /ess version
[07:31:59 INFO]: Server version: 1.13.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT git-Spigot-a1ba5fe-3359cb1 (MC: 1.13.2)
[07:31:59 INFO]: EssentialsX version: dev-29.155
[07:31:59 INFO]: LuckPerms version: 4.2.58
[07:31:59 INFO]: Vault version: 1.5.6-b49
[07:31:59 INFO]: EssentialsXProtect version: dev-29.155
[07:31:59 INFO]: EssentialsXChat version: dev-29.155
[07:31:59 INFO]: EssentialsXAntiBuild version: dev-29.155
[07:31:59 INFO]: EssentialsXSpawn version: dev-29.155
Steps to reproduce
run server and observed startup messages

Expected behavior
I don't expect to see see error messages in start up



Great , It functions as expected. It also displays properly in-game [...]

Good to hear that AntiBuild is now working!

[...] but the console text has color codes and isn't displaying properly.

"§3[playername] §r used: §6 LAVA_BUCKET at: Minecrack,355,85,190

This might be caused by your system or terminal setup. Does it happen with other messages from EssentialsX itself?


Great , It functions as expected. It also displays properly in-game [...]

Good to hear that AntiBuild is now working!

[...] but the console text has color codes and isn't displaying properly.
"§3[playername] §r used: §6 LAVA_BUCKET at: Minecrack,355,85,190

This might be caused by your system or terminal setup. Does it happen with other messages from EssentialsX itself?

Not that I've noticed but other plugins have colored text console messages that display properly.


Closing as the main issue here is solved.

If the issue with console messages is still occurring, could you open a new bug report?


Thanks for filing a report! AntiBuild hasn't been updated to support the 1.13 item system yet, so these errors are to be expected.


That's what i thought. The 1.13.x support thread listed json/csv compatibility, but this seemed a bit different so I thought i'd report it anyway. Thanks!


@lantren Could you try updating to the latest experimental build? You'll need to update your config.yml to use Material enum names instead of item IDs - see the default config as an example.


Great , It functions as expected. It also displays properly in-game but the console text has color codes and isn't displaying properly.

"§3[playername] §r used: §6 LAVA_BUCKET at: Minecrack,355,85,190