


Essentials X /item & /enchant

Ifriedmonkey opened this issue · 2 comments


have been searching for ages and I was seeing if you could help me out. Basically when a player uses /item I want it so that item says spawned in by (name) as a lore and so they can’t drop the item to the other players but can place the item and break it. Also the same with /enchant when a player enchants an item it has a lore and they can’t drop it. I’m not sure if this is a thing already and this is why I’m asking on assistance if you can help.


This is not within the scope of EssentialsX. As mentioned above, you should find an alternative plugin that overrides these commands.


this is not a feature in Essentials, and it probably shouldn't be. you should look into a separate plugin which overrides the Essentials /i(tem) and /enchant.